Safety first of all! - the press center of the company "Oboronlogistics"
29 November 2022
Safety first of all!

In November 2022, employees of the Oboronlogistics Group took part in the training sessions of captains-mentors and those responsible for naval training (NT) held in Novorossiysk by the FSBI Administration of Black Sea Ports to ensure the safety of Russian maritime navigation (SMN) in armed conflicts, the immediate threat of aggression or aggression against the Russian Federation.

During the training sessions, the results of the organization and conduct of the NT and SMN in 2022 were summed up and tasks for 2023 were set. During the year, despite the difficult military and political situation in the region, interaction was carried out with the command of the Black Sea Fleet, notification training, comprehensive and control inspections of ship-owning organizations, training of persons responsible for naval training, the management of shipping companies, the command staff and crews of ships.

Excellent knowledge and successful solution of tasks on NT and SMN at sea were shown by the captains and crew members of the vessels of LLC Oboronlogistics: Sparta II, Ursa Major, Sparta IV and Pizhma. The good organization of NT and SMN in LLC SK-Yug, part of the Oboronlogistics Group of Companies, was noted.

According to the results of the NT and SMN in 2022, the captain of Sparta II was awarded a certificate of honor by the head of the Administration of Black Sea Ports, the commendation was awarded to the captain of the Ursa Major.