In addition to sea transportation, the Oboronlogisticcs Group of Companies performs road cargo transportation throughout Russia. LLC OBL-trans (responsible for this area of activity in the Group of Companies) note a significant increase in applications for road transport since the beginning of 2023. If in March 2023 about 100 shipments were carried out, in April – 200, then in May – more than 300.
The number of road transportations is increasing under the conditions of the import substitution policy adopted by the Russian Federation. There are more active movements of goods between enterprises, suppliers, retailers and consumers within the country.
Independent analysts note that road cargo transportation in Russia began to grow already in 2022, and in the first quarter of 2023, cargo transportation within Russia increased by 35% compared to the same period last year. Road carriers have been rebuilt in the new geopolitical realities, because of the sanctions, the directions of cargo flows have changed: the volume of motor transport from the EU has decreased, with a significant increase from Turkey, as well as China and Iran. Another trend of last year was the growth of transportation within the CIS through Central Asia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
In addition to cargo transportation in the interests of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, Oboronlogistics Group performs road transportation on a commercial basis of any cargo (oversized, medicines, perishable products and other goods requiring special storage and transportation conditions) both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
Despite the large number of incoming applications, the highly qualified specialists of LLC OBL-trans are ready to organize door-to-door transportation for all new customers, controlling the passage of cars along the entire route, carrying out the necessary measures for rigging and loading with the involvement of special loading facilities.
For questions related to road transport, please call:
8 (499) 608-89-93 ext. 33-46